Nondeterministic multi-scale failure analysis in a woven composite fabric with a circular hole

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Uncertainties during the manufacturing process of composite parts cause the stress field to be uncertain, and there is a range of stress concentration coefficients instead of an exact number for the stress concentration. In this study, the stress field and failure of woven composite fabric with an open hole were investigated using multiscale statistical analysis. Using analytical relations and numerical methods, the mechanical properties of a woven composite fabric were homogenized by multiscale analysis. The results of the finite element analysis of the macroscale structure were localized at the mesoscale. The various failure criteria of the composite materials around the hole were investigated using finite element analysis. Thus, the stress concentration coefficient of the composite woven fabric was obtained using these two failure criteria. A comparison of the experimental tests and multi-scale simulation results shows that the multi-scale analysis method is reliable, and confirms that the geometric uncertainties of a hole in a woven composite plate lead to different stress values around the hole in different situations. The values of the stress coefficients in the fibers vary between 1.97 and 3.09. This parameter is between 2.44 and 2.80 in the matrix. It has also been shown that from a nondeterministic point of view, the stress concentration coefficient can be estimated using a multi-scale method.


Main Subjects

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