About Journal

About the Journal

AUT Journal of Mechanical Engineering is an peer-reviewed journal published by Amirkabir University of Technology. The journal is published under our open access policy, published articles are archived online on our website and can be accessed for free. The journal welcomes original research articles, review papers, case studies and communications from scholars around the world.

Open Access policy

AUT Journal of Mechanical Engineering is a libre green open access journal. This policy facilitates the widest possible dissemination of your work with no fees. The open access material on our website is subject to the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0) license. Authors can self-archive their articles or post a free copy of their article on a repository or website after it’s been made available on our website provided that appropriate credit is given to the formal publication on our website using the uniquely assigned DOI of the article.

Author-Publisher Agreement

Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication by the journal, authors will be requested to fill and sign the Author-Publisher Agreement to grant publisher rights to the journal. These rights include the exclusive right to publish and distribute the accepted article in all forms and media and the authority to enforce the rights in the article, on behalf of an author, against third parties, in cases of plagiarism or copyright infringement.

Author rights

Authors transfer copyright to the journal after signing the Author-Publisher Agreement, but they retain the rights to:

  • Share their article for personal use, institutional use and self-archive their article for non-commercial scholarly purposes with the assigned DOI link to the article on our website with a compatible creative commons license
  • Claim patent, trademark and other intellectual property rights (including raw research data)
  • Proper attribution and credit for their published work

Copyright and Originality

In order for AJME to publish and disseminate research papers, we need publishing rights. This is determined by a publishing agreement between the author and AJME. This agreement deals with the transfer or license of the copyright to AJME and authors retain significant rights to use and share their own published papers. AJME supports the need for authors to share, disseminate and maximize the impact of their research.

For the AJME journal the following steps apply:

1- Authors download, fill up and sign the following two forms:

Statement of Originality

Publication Agreement and Assignment of Copyright

where they will have copyright but grant broad publishing and distribution rights to the AJME, including the right to publish the paper on AJME's website.

2- The AJME makes the paper available online when it is finally accepted after the peer-review process.


Article Processing Charges

AUT Journal of Mechanical Engineering doesn't have any submission and article processing charges (APCs).



The history of Amirkabir journals can be divided into three periods:

  • First period, from 1968 to 1985 titled as “Scientific and Technical Journal of Tehran Polytechnic”
  • Second period, from 1985 to 2009 titled as “Amirkabir Journal of Scientific and Research” including:
    • Chemical Engineering (including chemistry, polymer and textile engineering fields)
    • Civil Engineering (including civil engineering, mining and metallurgical engineering fields)
    • Electrical Engineering (including electrical engineering, biomedical engineering and computer engineering fields)
    • Fundamental and Applied Sciences (including mathematics, physics and chemistry)
    • Mechanical Engineering (including mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, marine and industrial engineering fields)
  • Third period, from 2009 to 2017, including:
    • Amirkabir International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
    • Amirkabir International Journal of Modeling, Identification, Simulation & Control
    • Amirkabir Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering (In Persian)
    • Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering (In Persian)

From 2017, the following English journals are published alongside the Persian journals of Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Amirkabir Journal of Civil Engineering. Therefore, now we publish ….

  • English journals:
    • AUT Journal of Civil Engineering
    • AUT Journal of Electrical Engineering
    • AUT Journal of Mechanical Engineering
    • AUT Journal of Modeling and Simulation
  • Persian journals:
    • Amirkabir Journal of Civil Engineering
    • Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering